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How Can We Assist?

At Arosha Distributors (Pvt) Ltd, the complete satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. Check out some of our frequently asked questions below to get the information you’re looking for. Contact us with any other thoughts or questions.

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Home: FAQ

How to Make the Return

👉 No Returns | Refund
👉 Exchange is possible with the original invoice within 2 days of purchase.
👉 Item should be in good saleable condition.
👉 T&C Apply.

💳  Payment option

👉 Payment should be done by Deposited Payments only (DP)

Is there a question that you couldn’t get answered please make Inbox | WhatsApp | Imo | Viber | Telegram message on our undermentioned contact or you can fill the form below and submit to us.
We will review it and get back to you early as possible.


Contact Support

How Can We Help?

If you have questions or concerns about one of our products or services, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch as soon as possible.

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Home: Contact Support

Our Passion, Vision & Mission

The Best Shopping Experience and After Sale Services.

Arosha Distributors (Pvt) Ltd is a trendsetting online store, offering our first-rate products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes. We’re a business made up of innovators and forward-thinkers, with the drive and wherewithal to constantly update and improve the online shopping experience.

Our online store has become synonymous with quality, and we ensure a continuous variety of fantastic merchandise that fit any budget. Check it out and start shopping today.

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T&C at Arosha Distributors (Pvt) Ltd

Delivery within 2-3 week days from the order date in the region. 

In today’s online shopping market, we believe that honesty is the best policy. That’s why we designed the most generous, fair and transparent store policy for our customers. Read the following sections to find out more about how we ship or exchange products, or about how we secure your personal data. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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